

It all started with the Knitting Olympics. The Games may be over but the yarnsanity endures....

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Cyber Sweater

Here, as promised, pictures of the Cyber Sweater.

CyberGreg I

It turns out that I'm not as good at measuring, adjusting for size, or finishing off, as I hoped I was. But it's wearable and cute and that's all that matters when you slap it on an almost-two-year-old (if I'd taken out the binkie, washed his face and combed his hair I could have said "an adorable almost-two-year-old", but...)

CyberGreg II

The Specs:

Knitted from Wool-Ease in black and grey on size 8s.
The bottom and sleeve cuffs are turned up like the bottom of these pants (which I will also finish one day).
Collar is garter stitch, and I put some buttons down the back to allow for the huge-headedness of children (this one in particular).
The Generic-Cybernetic-Lifeform is done in Berroco FX (silver/black) in duplicate stitch, because I had knitted the body so many times that I couldn't face doing the intarsia again and then discovering that it STILL didn't fit. It was my first attempt at duplicate stitch and, naturally, I didn't consult any books or anything, so just don't ask to see the back (at least for the first few rows).

It could do with being longer in the body and shorter in the arms, and I really should have picked up fewer stitches for the collar, but it was made with love. And I figure I'll be a lot better at this stuff by the time the boys are old enough to care (or have friends who laugh at them).


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